Home Buyers Your Guide to a Home Appraisal You found your dream Westfield area home. Now it is time to cross all your “T’s” and dot all your “I’s” before it becomes all your own. And one of the first items on your closing checklist is the home appraisal. So, what exactly is that? Your Guide to a Home Appraisal The home appraisal […]
Home Buyers Hidden Fees to Be Aware of When Purchasing a Home Purchasing a home is arguably one of the biggest financial decisions you will make in your lifetime. As you start your hunt, do not forget there will be costs associated with your purchase in addition to the  price of your luxury NJ home. Here are five “hidden fees” to keep in mind as you begin […]
Market Reports August 2022 Market Update Curious about your home’s value? Please click below for the market update of interest to you: Chatham Cranford Fanwood Garwood Madison Millburn Mountainside Roselle Park Scotch Plains Short Hills Summit Watchung Westfield by Grade School: Franklin Jefferson McKinley Tamaques Washington Wilson Scott Gleason scott@luxuryhomesnj.com Scott Gleason, CRS at Coldwell Banker Realty – East, NJ Luxury Homes
Home Buyers What to Negotiate When Buying a House Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned veteran, the negotiation part of a real estate transaction can be a little daunting and stressful. However, it is necessary to ensure you are getting the best possible deal for your money. So, what should you negotiate when buying a house? What to Negotiate When Buying […]
Local Events New Westfield Artist Alley Submissions Now Accepted Westfield loves the arts in all of their forms. Visit any one of the dozens of galleries in the downtown area to see artwork of all kinds (paintings, pottery, photography, etc.). Sweet Sounds Downtown offers four different live concerts every Tuesday through the end of August. And right now, the Westfield Public Arts Commission is […]
Home Buyers Escalation Clause: Help for the Home Buyer in a Competitive Market Many buyers wonder if they should wait a little bit before actively searching for their next property. Price reductions all over the country leave buyers wondering if the market already reached its peak. If prices are on the decline, it may seem logical to wait. But in hot areas like Westfield, Scotch Plains, Cranford, and […]
Selling Your Home Home Appraisal: Does Extra Clean Add Extra Value? Whenever a buyer finances their purchase with a mortgage loan, the lender requires a home appraisal. If the property’s appraised value falls below the agreed-upon price, your sale may fall through. So, as the seller, you want to make sure your property is in tip-top shape before the appraiser comes through. Once you get into […]
Home Buyers Home Buying Tips to Finalize a Sale Now Today’s home buyers must navigate a crazy market. In the Westfield area (including Scotch Plains, Mountainside, Cranford, and the surrounding area), the marketplace strongly favors the seller. Low inventory and rising interest rates made many buyers re-evaluate their home buying budgets. If you want to finalize a sale before interest rates go up again, you […]
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Local Events Sweet Sounds Downtown Westfield Music Festival 2022 Every summer, downtown Westfield fills up with the sweet, sweet sounds of live music. This summer proves no exception. Last week, the Sweet Sounds Downtown Westfield Music Festival 2022 kicked off with some classic Jazz, Big Band music, and a rock cover band called the Drop the Needle Trio. But that was only the beginning […]
Market Reports June 2022 – Market Update Curious about your home’s value? Please click below for the market update of interest to you: Chatham Cranford Fanwood Garwood Madison Millburn Mountainside Scotch Plains Short Hills Summit Watchung Warren Westfield by Grade School: Franklin Jefferson McKinley Tamaques Washington Wilson Scott Gleason scott@luxuryhomesnj.com Scott Gleason, CRS at Coldwell Banker Realty – East, NJ Luxury Homes
Selling Your Home How “Days on Market” May Affect Your Home Sale Most homebuyers look at the size of a property, its location, and the price right away. But, some buyers (as well as their REALTORS®) also look at how long the property has been on the market. Why? Newer listings get the most traffic. When it sits on the market for a while, buyers begin wondering what […]
Selling Your Home The Real Estate Agent’s Role in a Home Sale Real estate shows like “Flip or Flop”, “Good Bones”, and “Unsellable Homes” make it appear easy to sell your home. All you need is a little paint and polish and buyers practically beat down your door, right? Not so fast. It takes a little more finesse and a lot more experience for the typical homeowner […]
Selling Your Home Misleading “Facts” for the Home Seller in Today’s Market Oftentimes, we hear fantastical stories about recently sold homes. Maybe your neighbor fielded several offers after only one day on the market. Or you heard about a friend of a friend who sold their rundown property for tens of thousands over their asking price without putting any effort into fixing it up. Unfortunately, these tend to […]
Selling Your Home Decluttering Tips That Help Sell Your Home and Organize Your Move One of the top priorities when getting your Westfield area property ready to sell is to get rid of the clutter. This helps prepare your home for staging. Remember, staged homes sell faster and for more money than unstaged ones. However, clearing your space with intention performs double duty. How? Organizing your “stuff” not only clears the […]
Homeowner Tips Easy Landscaping DIY Projects for the Home Seller Ever get the itch to do a DIY project? Whenever we do, our favorites involve getting outdoors and mixing up our landscaping features. Whether it’s as simple as installing some lighting or a little more time-consuming like re-plotting plants, a fresh look for the lawn always gives your Westfield area home a fresh look as […]
Selling Your Home What to Focus On When Considering a Home Offer You listed your Westfield area home for sale and received multiple offers for it. Congratulations! Many sellers dream of being in your position. Now, the hard part. You must decide which home offer to accept. (An embarrassment of riches, right?) Sometimes, however, the highest price is not the best offer. Consider these other important factors […]